Nordisk mediehistorisk nettverk opprettet

Mediehistorisk forening er godt representert i det nye mediehistoriske nettverket i Norden.

Nordic Media History Network (NOMEH) er et nettverk som skal arbeide med metodologisk utvikling, utvikle komparative mediehistoriske prosjekter og produsere publikasjoner om nordisk mediehistorie.
Nettverket er også åpent for mediehistorikere fra de baltiske landene. Henrik Bastiansen, leder i Mediehistorisk Forening, og Birgitte Kjos Fonn, redaktør av Mediehistorisk Tidsskrift, var til stede på stiftelsesmøtet i Finland og representerer nå Norge i styret, som ledes av førsteamanuensis Jukka Kortti ved Universitetet i Helsinki. Øvrige i styret er Heidi Kurvinen (Finland), Helle Strandgaard Jensen (Danmark), Markus Hermann Meckl (Island), og Pelle Snickars og Patrick Lundell (Sverige) – i tillegg til Bastiansen og Fonn fra Norge.

Les mer om nettverket fra styreleder Jukka Kortti:

In August 2018, Nordic Media History Network (NOMEH) was established in Helsinki. NOMEH operates under the Finnish Historical Society as one of its official committees and it will be run from Helsinki, Finland.

The Nordic Media History (NOMEH) network is a multidisciplinary research network that brings together Nordic scholars interested in media history, thereby enhancing regional cooperation within the field. The network will bring together Nordic media historians from the Nordic region (including the Baltic States).

To establish a sustainable network, a user-friendly infrastructure and effectively integrate research, the network will be put into practice by

  • fostering and enhancing methodological issues in the field of Media History,
  • organising panels, seminars and conferences held by Nordic media historians both within the network and as a part of bigger conferences,
  • developing comparative media history projects between the Nordic countries,
  • developing a Nordic research agenda for further empirical transnational and comparative research,
  • producing publications on Nordic media history, and
  • organising university education, such as summer schools, for Nordic media and history students.

The network will also form a platform for new research initiatives and apply for funding for Nordic collaboration projects.

If you are interested in joining the association, please contact the secretary of NOMEH Heidi Kurvinen at heidi.kurvinen (at)

The Association will not collect a Membership fee. The operations will primarily be covered by external funding to be applied.

Jukka Kortti, the chairperson of the executive committee of NOMEH.